Archive for January, 2009

Running Food finished, no longer called Running food

January 22, 2009

Can you believe it? Pappenheimer has finally finished his new game Running food – although its now not longer called like that. You really should check it out, because that game is – there is no better word for it – fascinating. If you’re lucky enough to be one of the few who share a bit of the knowledge about all the code, material and hard work behind it, it boogles the mind to see the whole thing coming together so well. It manages a very nice balance of difficulty and accessibility, and its definately not on the same scale as most “educational titles”. But then, while also aimed at kids, there are so many elements in there that one might not fully understand unless one has reached a certain age – because some of his philosophical messages might just need those rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia – I really think that he managed to create something incredible.

Mind you, I haven’t completed the full game yet — but what I’ve written above is my impression of the playtesting I’ve done.

And with that… it seems that I am now the only one from the group of people I’ve worked with for a long time who hasn’t finished a full-scale project that you can buy. This results in a weird, hard-to-describe melancholy-kind-of-thing.

Siiigh. Oh well.


January 6, 2009
