Archive for May, 2008

Post No. 100

May 17, 2008

This is surprising. Are we really at one hundred posts already? Is it really true that we’ve thrown that many thoughts, that many words, that many misplaced commas at you? Well, maybe not you personally, of course. Maybe you didn’t read them all. You see, some of our posts were read an embarassingly low amount of times. At least, thats what the statistics say. So, uhm, tell your friends to check all this? And then, comment. That’d be great.

Are we going to continue? You bet. There are still lots of things to talk about – and it’d be too embarassing to stop this without even showing what our project is all about. You know, that awesome game we’re making, that Secret-Mystery-type of thing. I really would love to say what it is, right now, but – no. We’ve decided to wait just a little longer. And that’s what we’re going to do, until it’s ready, and we’ll show it, nervously waiting for people to comment and tell us how they like it. Hopefully, they will like it very much – we’ve all invested quite a lot into it 🙂

So then… on to the next hundred!

Current Wiki Status

May 3, 2008

Not that Wiki, though.

As I’ve written before, we use a wiki to organize our lovely hobbyproject – and so far, I think its safe to say that it works pretty okay.

It’s nice to have the information all in one place, and for discussions, it works surprisingly well, with an easy way to add screenshots or other images and links, and have all opinions and thoughts in one place. For discussion between two people, instant messaging (or, in case thats possible, direct conversations) still works better, though. And you tend to become lazy with those collaborative to-do-lists and change-logs (ironically, those two things that were actually the reason for that wiki) – those aren’t updated too often, and thus aren’t that effective on motivating, thats sad. Especially with those of us who have lots of stress in their day job (… all of us, really), this felt more like a huge burden. So it got neglected, and now its outdated.

Do I recommend it? Well, it’s relatively quickly set up, and it does have advantages. How much depends on your team, your commitment and your project, of course, but its a good place and way to have information all in one place and to discuss with your team.

Blogrolling Addendum, because I apparently forgot something

May 2, 2008

This is a bit embarassing, but whatever. We got a comment on that Blogroll-post! Can you believe that? Probably not. Here’s what it said.

you forgot about mine P

Oh. Whoops.
